Paul F. Scully
At the 1998 Educational Conference in Cape May, it was decided that an award be established in honor of the Division’s long time Secretary/Treasurer, Paul Scully. Paul had passed away the previous July after a long and painful illness.
This distiguished award would be given to the Division member who exemplified the spirit of dedication and service that was Paul Scully. This award is bestowed by the Board of Directors based on the recommendation of the Executive Board Officers.
1999 - Jeffrey Thompson
Jeffrey Thompson
Lt. Jeffrey Thompson of the Ocean County (NJ) Sheriff ‘s Department displays the Paul Scully Service Award which was bestowed to him at the 1999 Educational Conference in Cape May. Lt. Thompson was one of the founding members of the New Jersey Division, I.A.I.
At one time or another he served as the Secretary/Treasurer, Editor, Vice President, President, Chairman, Board Member, and Conference Chairman. He has also served the International as a member of the Board of Directors and Regional Representative. A great part of the success of the annual conference is due to Lt. Thompson’s efforts. He was also the force behind the very successful International Conference held at the Trump Taj Mahal Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, in 1992.
2000 - Jay Wallace
Jay Wallace
Forensic Specialist Jay Wallace of the Bridgeton Police Department (Ret.) is shown with the Paul F. Scully Service Award which was presented to him at the 14th Annual Educational Conference held in Cape May, NJ, October 22-25, 2000.
Jay has served as a NJ Division Vice President, President, Chairman of the Board and formerly served as a Board Member. He also served on the Planning Committee for the hosting of the International Conference held in Atlantic City, N.J. Jay also served on the International IAI Membership committee. He handles the good of the order chores of the State Division.
Jay was an IAI Certified Latent Print Examiner and a Certified Senior Crime Scene Analyst. He retired from active duty with the Bridgeton Police Department in 1998.
* Jay passed away March 1, 2004 after a lengthy illness. We remember, with fondness and admiration, his dedicated service to the NJ-IAI.
2001 Lt. Robert Garrett (Retired)
Lt. Bob Garrett (Ret.)
Lt. Bob Garrett (Ret.) of the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office (left) receives the Paul Scully Service Award for 2001 from Board Chairman Merrill Brant (right) at the annual educational conference in Cape May. Lt. Garrett is the former supervisor of the Crime Scene Unit at the Prosecutor’s Office.
Bob is a Past President of our NJ Division and formerly served as the Regional Representative and editor of The Criminalist and as Webmaster.
Bob was then elected and served as President of The IAI. He also serves on the IAI’s Crime Scene Certification Committee and co-chairs the Conference Committee.
Bob currently serves as Chair of the IAI’s Professional Programs Quality Assurance Governing Board and also continues to remain active in other aspects in the field of forensic identification.
2003 - Investigator Joseph Taussi
Investigator Joseph Taussi
Investigator Joseph Taussi of the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office (center) receives the Paul Scully Service Award for 2003 from NJ-IAI Division President Tim Sethman and Board Chairman Joe Racite.
Joe started his career in law enforcement working on an FBI Surveillance Team. He later worked as an investigator for the Naval Investigative Service before joining the Prosecutor’s Office.
Joe formerly served as the Secretary/Treasurer of the NJ Division as well as the Co-Chairman of the annual educational conference.
He succeeded Paul Scully as the Secretary/Treasurer in 1997.
2012 - Det. Ryan Magnotta
Detective Ryan Magnotta
Detective Ryan Magnotta is currently assigned to the Bergen County Sheriff’s Department Crime Scene Unit.
Ryan was awarded this honor in 2012 for his outstanding service and dedication to the New Jersey Division having served on the Executive Board for mulitple terms as the Division’s Secretary/Treasurer – a position he continues to hold.
2023 - Barry Jansen
In 1973 Barry started with the Somerset County Park Police as a dispatcher. In 1974 he was sworn in as an officer for the Somerset County Park Police where he served 10 years. In 1984 he transitioned to the Somerset County Sheriff Office ID bureau and then in 1993 to the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office.
While with Somerset he rose to the rank of Lieutenant with specialization in CSI, latent print examination, fire investigation, and was the commander of the county dive/rescue team.